The interactive terms between this website and its visitors have been set forth in this Privacy Policy for the purpose of usage, transacting and browsing. This policy will include the collection, use and subsequent protection of information belonging to the visitors that is personally identifiable.
What is information that is of a personally identifiable nature?
Information of this kind refers to data which pertains to a specific individual. It will include name, address, telephone contact details, email address, bank account numbers, and debit/credit card details.
Standards of Protecting Information
All necessary steps shall be taken to protect information, shared by visitors and customers, that is personally identifiable. Our systems are configured to protect data. This is done by means of data encryption and use of firewall technology that complies with industry standards. When personally identifiable information is transmitted by a customer or a visitor over the web, it instantly gets secured by SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) technology.
How is the information used?
Information that is personally identifiable shall not be used by any third party nor will it be sold or distributed to them. The email addresses and telephone contact details of the customers and visitors shall not be shared by any other parties. Information pertaining to fees and legal consultancy charges paid by the customers shall not be disclosed to third parties along with their preferences and choices.
Financial information such debit and credit card numbers or bank account numbers and other type of information that is personally sensitive about a customer or a visitor shall not be revealed to any other person. Information cannot be distributed to commercial bodies that may use this personally identifiable data of the customers and visitors for their own commercial benefit. This information will be collected from visitors and customers on separate occasions with their prior intimation as well as knowledge.
Further assurance will be provided by owners of this website that they will not engage in any trade or make public to any third party information of a personal and sensitive nature like date of birth or any other private bit of data pertaining to the customers without taking their prior consent. All registered suppliers will be allowed to gain access to personally identifiable information only for the purpose of confirmation of the process of registration of the customers so that they are, in turn, provided with benefits that they have rights to.
Customers are allowed to visit this website and browse at their leisure at any time they prefer, without providing or revealing any information that they deem to be personally identifiable. This website employs cookies that serve as small bits of information that is stored by the customers’ browsers on their computers’ hard drives. Cookies are read by servers after they are placed. They will not be allowed to run any program on the customers’ computers and they will not be able to place any viruses in the customers’ computer systems. Using cookies is a common method on the Internet to gauge the browsing habits and search enquiries of a customer or a visitor. We will be using the cookies on the same lines as used by several other websites.
This website will have links to third parties and other websites. When the visitor and customers click on these links, they will be redirected to other websites. We want to make it clear that we shall not be held responsible for any interaction that takes place on websites other than ours.
Protection of the Password
We encourage our visitors and customers to safeguard their passwords and we hold them responsible for maintaining the secrecy of their passwords and other important information pertaining to their membership account on this website. We strongly advise visitors and customers to log out completely from this website so that the risk of any misuse of their account is eliminated.